The new care law brings higher care benefits and better coverage
The majority of people would like to remain in their own home in old age as well. Politicians support this wish, because expensive home places can hardly cover the growing needs of an aging society. Therefore the new care insurance law facilitates the ambulatory care with a whole set of measures.
More money for outpatient care
The classification into three different care levels was replaced by five care degrees. People up to care level 2 will hardly be entitled to a place in a home in future, but will receive more money for outpatient care. The appraisal is more differentiated and includes mobility restrictions as well as incipient dementia. Who received for example in care stage 1 so far 244 euro, is classified automatically into care degree 2 and gets now 316 euro care money or 689 euro care payment in kind for the ambulatory care service. Besides the achievements were improved to the relief and prevention care. For example, caregivers on vacation or sick leave can use the respite allowance or combined care benefits to finance a professional caregiver for the elderly. The Internet portal http://www.24-hour care.net offers comprehensive information on care allowance and various combinations of cash– and benefits in kind, such as home help and care services.
Social security for the caregiver
The reformed care insurance law wants to improve the social security for voluntarily active caregivers. After all, more than 70% of those affected are cared for at home, the majority free of charge by their own relatives. For working people, caregiving is hardly compatible with full-time employment. Who works part-time or only in a mini-job, would have to accept later drastic losses in the pension. That’s why, since January 2023, the nursing care insurance funds have been paying pension contributions for caregivers whose weekly working hours are less than 30 hours. If one had to give up one’s insurable employment, contributions to unemployment insurance are also paid for the duration of caregiving.